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Caring For Your Palms One of the easiest trees to grow in Queensland is the palm because they love the humid, warm climate that is prevalent in this state. However, as is with all trees, the palm tree needs love and attention if it is to grow strong and tall. Queensland is also notorious for summer storms which can seriously damage palm trees that are not well maintained. So, the purpose of these blog posts is to educate on the caring of palm trees. From the day they are planted to the day they die, palm trees need regular pruning, healthy soil, and consistent human attention. Read on further to discover how to have healthy palm trees growing on your property.

Posted on: 20 July 2021
While trees are a beautiful addition to your residential or commercial property, there are instances when you may need to remove them. For instance, you'll need to cut down a tree when it risks the safety of your home and family.  Therefore, as a responsi

Posted on: 25 March 2021
Did you know that the root system of the average tree is much larger than its crown? In urban environments, large trees can sometimes become a problem for nearby structures. If you have noticed that your garage is beginning to suffer because of a nearby tree,