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Caring For Your Palms One of the easiest trees to grow in Queensland is the palm because they love the humid, warm climate that is prevalent in this state. However, as is with all trees, the palm tree needs love and attention if it is to grow strong and tall. Queensland is also notorious for summer storms which can seriously damage palm trees that are not well maintained. So, the purpose of these blog posts is to educate on the caring of palm trees. From the day they are planted to the day they die, palm trees need regular pruning, healthy soil, and consistent human attention. Read on further to discover how to have healthy palm trees growing on your property.



Reasons for Undertaking a Tree Removal in Your Yard

Trees help create beautiful gardens, and they provide summer shade. However, your property may have an abundance of trees, and some of them may be causing issues, prompting you to consider tree removal. Here are some common reasons people may undertake this process.

Diseased or Dying Tree

A tree may need to be removed if it's diseased or dying. Signs to look out for include changes to the bark and leaves. Is the bark crumbling and falling off more than normal? Or is the foliage not as lush and healthy as it was previously? Sometimes pests can infest a tree and starve it of nutrients, creating holes and damage in the trunk and branches.

An arborist can assess a tree to decide if it is seriously in trouble or whether it can be saved. Some issues, such as termites, can spread to other wood sources in the garden and onto your house if you don't take action. A dying tree is a safety risk as well because weakened branches are liable to snap at any moment. They could fall on a friend or family member or damage your house or car.

Garden Clearing

Sometimes a tree needs to be removed if it's an impediment. For example, you might be planning to construct a swimming pool in the yard, and the tree currently sits in the middle of the proposed pool site. Or else, you may want to extend your home and need the space. Sometimes a tree is close to a house, and it blocks the view of the garden and prevents light from flowing inside.

Intrusive Roots

Another problem with a tree relates to what's happening underground. Some trees have vast root systems, and they can pull up the pavement as they grow underneath. Tree roots can also encroach on a home's foundation and plumbing pipes, so the tree may need to be removed to prevent further damage. You can have the trunk and branches chopped into wood chips, which you can scatter over your garden beds as mulch. Or you could have sections of the trunk carved into stepping stones.

Storm Damage

Sometimes a tree needs to be removed if it's suffered storm damage and has become unstable. The roots may have lifted out of the ground, and the tree is tilting to one side. You may notice other kinds of damage. For example, a tree may have large branches reaching out on both sides, and a vertical crack could suddenly appear on the truck as if the tree is being pulled in opposing directions. 

For more information, contact a local company like True Blue Tree and Stump Removal.
