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Caring For Your Palms One of the easiest trees to grow in Queensland is the palm because they love the humid, warm climate that is prevalent in this state. However, as is with all trees, the palm tree needs love and attention if it is to grow strong and tall. Queensland is also notorious for summer storms which can seriously damage palm trees that are not well maintained. So, the purpose of these blog posts is to educate on the caring of palm trees. From the day they are planted to the day they die, palm trees need regular pruning, healthy soil, and consistent human attention. Read on further to discover how to have healthy palm trees growing on your property.



4 Signs a Tree on Your Property May Need Removing

Is there a tree on your property that you're worried about? Perhaps it's leaning towards your home or it looks unhealthy. Check for the five signs below, and call a tree removal specialist if you're still unsure. Some damaged trees might be possible to save with measures like pruning, but others will need to be removed completely. Don't leave it too long, as a problematic tree could pose a safety risk.

1. It's dead

If there's a tree on your property that's clearly dead, getting it removed should be a priority. Dead trees can attract pests like termites and ants, which aren't pleasant to deal with and could infest other areas of your property. If the tree died because of a disease, there's a risk it could spread this to other healthy trees. Dead trees also look unsightly and won't do anything for your kerb appeal.

2. It has a disease

Do you notice wilting leaves, drooping branches, mould or decay on one of your trees? These are all clear signs of disease and should be dealt with quickly to prevent the issue from spreading. It's possible that the tree could be saved with interventions like aggressive pruning or applying fungicide, but you'll need a professional opinion. Ask a tree specialist to take a look and remove the tree if necessary.

3. It was damaged during a storm

Was one of your trees battered during a storm? Did it lose branches or start to lean to one side? The structural damage might be too much for the tree to recover from. In this case, having the tree removed before it falls down is the safest thing to do. You should also ask your tree removalist for advice on protecting your other trees during storms. They might suggest adding cables or braces.

4. It's dangerously close to a building

Do you have a tree that's encroaching on your home, garage, shed or another structure on your property? There's a risk that the roots of the tree could start to affect the foundation of the building, so it's important to get this dealt with quickly. Trees that are close to your home could also cause serious damage during storms, either because they're sending debris flying around or because they're at risk of falling. When a tree is close to a building, it's important to have a professional remove it to avoid further damage.

If there's a tree you're concerned about, don't wait for the problem to get worse. Contact a tree removals company to learn more.
